Monday, April 16, 2007

My left foot.

All my friends are correct - i am indeed the most accident prone person on this damned planet.

while walking (yes walking) down the stairs from the bunk room at the fire station to the engine bay (still walking, not rushing to a call or anything like that), I managed to twist my left foot clockwise such that my left ankle landed on the ground.

Went to the doctor, filled out yet another "brown form" (workman's comp form), had xrays and apparently i tore some tendons or ligaments (i don't remember which - and it hurts too much to go to my car to get the doctor's report) in my left foot. I'm on light duty until i get released by the specialist (appointment later this week).

So yeah, apparently i can't walk down a flight of stairs without hurting myself.

good thing i wasn't chewing gum.

1 comment:

CatSpit said...

Fer fook's sake laddie.