Friday, April 13, 2007

Injury update

Alrighty... so my most recent visit to my evil satanic^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hevil dentist happened on thursday. Apparently my liver is very effective and kept processing the novocaine while the basta^H^H^H^H^Hdentist was preparing my tooth for the veneer. This was hopefully my penultimate visit. I *really* did not like this visit. in addition to the cutting the bottom half of my tooth off entirely, cutting away some of the gum around it and removing front and back enamel - i could actually feel most of what he was doing. he claimed i couldn't. but apparently my casting aspersions on the sexual preferences of his ancestors and himself, the very real threat of imminent physical danger and the way my body clenched and contracted as he did his stuff - he (the evil bastard dentist) decided to give me more novocaine.

So now i look like someone from west virginia. i almost whistle/lisp when i speak (that whole missing most of a large front tooth thing) and i have to eat / drink things through a straw for a few days.

the veneer is supposed to be in sometime in the next week to two weeks. i can't wait...

saying that, i'd rather lay naked and have an army of big furry spiders crawl over me than go back.

i hate spiders.

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