Thursday, October 26, 2006


So my mother is back in hospital again. She has chronic pancreatitis. This generally isn't a good thing.

I read some more about it this morning as I realized I don't know all that much about it. Here are some nice highlights (courtesy the NIH).

Definition: Chronic pancreatitis is ongoing inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas is an organ located behind the stomach that produces chemicals needed to digest food, as well as the hormones insulin and glucagon.

Treatment: The goal of treatment is to reduce stimulation of the pancreas, prevent indigestion, reduce pain, and treat diabetes (if present). Treatment may involve:

* Eating a low-fat diet
* Getting enough fat-soluble vitamins and calcium in the diet
* Analgesics or surgical nerve block to relieve pain
* Insulin to control blood sugar levels
* Supplemental pancreatic enzymes to correct underproduction

Patients must not drink alcohol.

Surgery may be recommended if a blockage is found. In severe cases, part or all of the pancreas may be removed.

Prognosis: This is a serious disease that may lead to disability and death. The risk of death may be lowered the person continues to avoid alcohol.

Well ain't that just a kick in the nads.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tip of the Day

Well tonight I learned a valuable lesson. When you slam shut the rear hatch of your SUV, make sure you're not standing underneath it.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Weird friends

So I was IM'ing a friend of mine that I went through fireschool with...

(8:35:25 AM) becca: i had a dream about you last night
(8:36:23 AM) becca: for some reason i decided i wanted to come by your house in the morning on my way to work to scoop the cat box for you. i came in through the garage and saw you tip-toeing around the kitchen and living room wearing white leggings and a pink tutu.

Hmmmm... I have no idea how to respond to that.

Monday, October 09, 2006

New York New York

So this weekend I was up in NYC with Vivien for her cousin's wedding. It was much fun (insofar as weddings are 'fun'). It was a union of the New York Italian community with the Coonass community from just outside New Orleans. Very interesting crowd.

The wedding took place in Central Park on Gothic Bridge. It was a perfect day for it. The weather gamble more than paid off.

The best part though was the cruise for the reception. All the guests ended up on a small cruise ship for food + music while we toured the various bridges and of course the Statue of Liberty.

The humourous highlight of the evening was when the bridge (who is younger than her brother) took care of her brother (according to good Cajun traditions) and gave him a blow up doll at the reception. Damned funny stuff.

But when you combine New Orleanians with what look to be extras from The Sopranos and an open bar... anything can happen.

We stayed in Manhattan and I remembered just how much I LOVE city life and hate living in the burbs. Gawd help me - but I want to live in downtown NYC. Shame that it costs more per month for an apt that is only as big as my bedroom.

And of course, here is Viv and I on the boat with the Manhattan skyline.

photos (respectively) by me, viv and an FDNY Deputy Chief that I only know as 'Joe.'

Thursday, October 05, 2006

And for the ultra paranoid...

Now you too can know when your nads are about to glow in the dark. Thanks to our enterprising friends at NukAlert, you can have a keyfob that will shriek loudly so you'll know you're about to have a slow death thanks to radiation poisoning.

If you're worried about annoying the public with that noise, I wouldn't be. They're going to die with you too.

If only that strange almond smell would go away.

House update


so i've been rather busy lately. New contract, recently finishing Fire Instructor Level I and Swift Water Rescue Technician classes and such has kept me busy.

I do have some new pics (taken with my phone) of the pad. it's getting there. Slowly.

Still need dining room and bar furniture. Pool room furniture (4 spectator chairs and 1 pub table + chairs) is on the way sometime this month.

Meanwhile, the house...

This is the living room view from the kitchen.

And this is the kitchen from the living room.

More to come...