I've been organizing my books and stuff in my home office (it's only taken 3 months)... I realized I have a ton of books from classes. I am a self professed 'cert whore.' We don't run a lot of calls, so I need to get my training where I can (getting people to train at my station is like putting square pegs in round slots (you need to use a hammer)).
Here's a list of my certs from the last few years:
Basic Fire CertificationsFire Attack - Essentials
Firefighter I - NFPA 1001-02
Firefighter II - NFPA 1001-02
Hazardous Materials Operations NFPA 472-02
Misc Fire CertificationsMAYDAY, Firefighter Down 16 Hour Program
Rural Water Supply 16 Hour Training Program
Liquid Proprane Gas Emergencies 16 Hour Training Program
Emergency Vehicle OperationsEmergency Vehicle Operations – Class 2 (Ambulances)
Emergency Vehicle Operations - CLASS 3 (Class A Pumpers)
National Fire Academy / FEMAN.F.A. Arson Detection for the First Responder (ADFR)
N.F.A. Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company Operations
N.F.A. Basic Incident Command System for First Responders
National Incident Management System (FEMA)Incident Command System 100
Incident Command System 200
Incident Command System 700
Incident Command System 800
Heavy Tactical RescueVehicle Rescue Awareness and Operations
Vehicle Rescue Awareness and Operations (second time I've taken it)
Vehicle Rescue Technician - NFPA 1006-03
Confined Space Rescue Awareness and Operations
Trench Rescue Awareness and Operations
Rope Rescue Awareness and Operations - Phase 1
Rope Rescue Awareness and Operations - Phase 2
Rope Rescue Technician - NFPA 1006-03
Swift Water Rescue Technician -NFPA 1006-03 - Unit1
US Park Police Helicopter Rescue Awareness
Fire InstructorFire Instructor I - NFPA 1041-02
Fire Instructor I - UPGRADE NFPA 1041-02
NFPA 1403 Awareness
Firefighter I and II Train the Trainer
Currently TakingDriver / Pump Operator - NFPA 1002 (completion at the end of November 2006)
Registered for...Fire Officer 1 (December 2006)
Aircraft Rescue Firefighting – NFPA 1003-00 (March 2007)
Plan on Taking in 2007... (Assuming they are available)
Fire Instructor II
Fire Instructor III
Fire Officer II
Fire Officer III
various other Train the Trainers (these are needed to teach specific classes)
So if any of you have been wondering why you haven't seen me in the last few years, this should explain it.