Thursday, July 07, 2005

Arcola's Angels

So yesterday a couple of us from my station, along with a whole slew of 1st responders from DC and Maryland got together in downtown DC for a photoshoot.

We were part of what will be a poster campaign for the Emergency Preparedness Initiative

The Emergency Preparedness Initiative will be launching a national awareness campaign in September as part of National Preparedness Month. Part of this campaign will include a poster that will include first responders and people with disabilities photographed together, as "partners".
There will be approx 100,000 posters sent across the country. Pretty cool!

The photographer was a guy called Earl Dotter who is apparently a rather famous photographer. I’ll post some pics when I get copies from the shoot. It was pretty damned fun then.

Special thanks to Jessica and Kymber who came with me – we needed more 1st responder chicks in uniforms.

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