Wednesday, January 26, 2005

An ode to manliness

Despite the technological and politically correct tendencies of our society today, I feel that some manly rituals need to be preserved. Specifically a ritual all post pubescent males do almost everyday day.

Single, married or otherwise entangled, it's something we all do and it's nothing we need to be ashamed of. It's time to get it out in to the open - no need to be ashamed any longer.

And yes, i'm talking about shaving. Say no to the hightech-tripled-blades-vibrating-techno razors. Get back to basics. Use a real razor.

Shaving shouldn't be about scraping fuzz off your face as quickly as you can - it should be a celebration of manhood. A time of contemplation, of reflection and meditation. It's one of the few times where a man can truly indulge himself, and still be considered manly.

All you need is a good razor, badger hair brush, shaving oil, thick shaving cream, mirror and most of all, an alum block for those inevitable lacerations when you're learning.

The history of shaving dates back to 30,000 BC when men were real men and shaved with flint blades. Say no to the triple blades jezebels, the 4 bladed floozies (isn't Quattro Italian slang for expensive?) and become one with your manly roots.

Be a man again. Shave like one.

1 comment:

CatSpit said...

Absolutely no way in hell am I going near one of those things. I'm frankly amazed you're seen in the same room as one. Knowing how accident prone both of us are, it's just a matter of time before you cut off something vital. Please, for the love of all that it holy, keep it to your head.