Monday, June 27, 2005

Bottle Caps as WMD

So Friday I was at RFK Stations watching the Nationals beat the Blue Jays. (bastards)

While at the game, I of course ordered the traditional hotdogs ($4 each) and some water bottles ($3 each).

They handed me the dogs and the water bottles, but only after taking off their caps.

"Can I have the caps please, I don't want to spill the water as my hands are full."

"Sorry sir, we have to take them for security reasons.


The threat from bottle caps is real my friends. At the Republican convention in NYC last year, they also banned water bottles at the Republican convention last September.

So next time you see someone in a public place drinking water, and smugly putting the cap back on the bottle - be even more alert because you never know - they might be a terrorist.

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