Friday, February 22, 2008

Baldgit's Tip of the Day

UPDATED: I know have pics. Courtesy Jonathan Hickman. Copyright 2008, all rights reserved, Used with permission sorta.

Anyway, the tip of the day:

Don't heat cans of spraypaint on your stove in the kitchen. Otherwise the following shall occur:

1) they explode
2) a brief flash fire will occur
3) the back walls of your house will move off the foundation almost 2 feet.
4) charred paint will cover a lot of your kitchen
5) a whole lot of fire trucks will arrive
6) your neighbours will learn what a retard you are

I ran this call on my first night on my new crew. it was very interesting - we initially though this was a meth lab gone bad, but nope - just a classic case of

"hold my beer, watch this."

At least they didn't put them in the microwave.

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