Friday, January 18, 2008

Furious book clubs

Now that I'm back in civilization, I have been able to pursue some venues to quench my thirst for intelligent discourse, quick wit and repartee. What's this you ask? Why don't I get this at work or at the fire department?

Well, I largely work from home. Should I be found debating with myself, it's a small step to joing the crazy people outside on the street between my building and the Chinatown arch.

As far as the fire department goes, while there are undoubtedly brilliant people (they are an exception), any attempts at witty banter usually end with the vanquished promising to "kick some Canadian ass". Not really the crowd I'm looking for.

So I found myself at a bookclub the other day. Much to my surprised, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The book was Fury - by Salman Rushdie. Unfortunately I didn't have time to read the book (I joined only a day or two prior to the meeting), but I went anyway.

The group was a rather eclectic gathering of DCites. There were some govvies, computer nerds, aspiring writers and even some military folks. A fairly accurate cross-section of DC in fact.

The discussion was surprising non-pretentious, thought provoking and meaningful. They talked about the book for a hour or so, then some us went to imbibe some barley based beverages. This too was also good.

I learned a couple things the other night.

1) my opinion of Rushdie's random writing style is also held by others
2) it's possible to have literary discourse without pomp and pretension
3) I'm glad I moved to DC.

Next month's book: The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russell.

I'm looking forward to it.

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