Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Latest update

So here's an update in the world of chris:

Injury: still healing. Had another root canal and still have a few more dentist visits. each time i go i think it's the last one, but alas - it isn't.

Humour: after my last dental visit, the dentist put me on some meds that didn't agree with me. so i spent the weekend whimpering while in a fetal ball. Reminded me of a visit to the Death Van oh so many years ago.

Anyway, the guys from Station 19 showed up on my duty night (i was home sick) to train with us. They apparently got of the engine with all sorts of facial protection - hockey masks etc. Shame i missed it. Sort of.

Wankers. :)

Work: work is somewhat busy. discovered the project lead hasn't been forwarding any of my work, results, questions or whatnot to the boss boss. This led to some ass chewing until i produced my email documentation trail. note to everyeone - save all your emails (unless you're a congressmen for a penchant for underage pages).

Fire Stuff: my fire instructor II class is a total charlie foxtrot. the lead instructor has been giving us all conflicting information regarding just what he wants us to do project wise. of course it conflicted not only with himself, but the various captains who were to evaluate us. bleh.

I'm currently taking the next level of EMS classes. Good stuff, but very demanding on my time.

The redhat program seems to be working. amazing.

i'm having fun teaching the fire I class, but with all the other classes (ems, instructor ii, officer ii (coming up), command school and all that) - i'm having a hard time finding time.

Viv: things are going well. we're worried about her cats though cause they had some of that tainted food - and one of them was ill. they went to the vet today and we're waiting for some bloodwork to come back. they either have some minor bacterial stuff going on - or somethign more serious. this is very much a bad thing.

Fun: looking at mountain bikes - need to get outside and do fun things. i have a lot of friends who i never see enough who ride - so this might be a good escape, some good cardio and a good excuse to see some old friends. viv is also interested in biking - but wants to rent one the first few times before committing.

cats: mine are well. Baal is going to get a lion cut this summer. he's just too big and furry. i think he'll enjoy life more with less fur. Anat is her usual happy spastic self.

There's been a lot going on in my world, but nothing that i've really had time to write down, or that i thought might actually be worth documenting.

oh- finished the latest ghost recon for the 360. decent enough game. good graphics - i like the some of the new feature. AI for the team mates still needs some work, and the campaign was far too short. but it was a good play. i hope to play smith and co online sometime. maybe this weekend. looks like i will have the house entirely to myself (as well as that huge list of things to do that i've been ignoring). being an adult sucks sometimes.

1 comment:

CatSpit said...

I got GRAW man, and I'll hop on for sure when I'm not painting or wanking. Which is to say, almost never :) Nice photos of your face - makes you look a lot prettier! Stop by for poker on Friday night! 20 buy in baby. All you can eat!

My word verification is 'hummer'.. Interesting.