Monday, July 25, 2005

17 years later, he finally married the girl.

Well it finally happened.

This past Saturday, the (mostly) Reverend Wil Stonehill got married.

What more can I say?

The weekend was awesome!

The drive up to Canada was great – nice and relaxing with perfect weather (I took the back roads and avoided the interstates). I arrived nice and relaxed after only 9 hours of driving.
I got to see some old friends, and generally have a great time.
The Stag party was even fun – despite the groom not being a drinker and an Anglican minister. I won't go into any details in order to protect the guilty and their marriages. :) All I can say in this respect it that it was good to be back in Canada.

Anyway, I'm thrilled that Wil and Susan, years later, are finally together.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more proof: ACTUAL PHOTOS
A good time was had by all.