Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This time for sure... maybe.

While eating a good nutritious breakfast and checking email in my cube... I come across a long awaited email.

It would appear that Andy's Snowboard Bonanza Weekend is a go. This will be the 3rd attempt. The first one (April 2004?) was cancelled because it was 70 outside and raining. The last time we checked mudboarding isn't an official sport yet (though with bikinis it might work), so we rescheduled for sometime around the 1st weekend in December. It's always cold and snows in December right?


3rd time is a charm. Unfortunately the numbers dwindle with each attempt. I think that there will only be 4 or 5 of us now. I have to thank the other guys who prepaid as well for keeping my costs down.

So this weekend, 7 Springs will phear the wrath of bald boarders! iPods on standby!

this offer void where prohibited by shite weather

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