Thursday, January 06, 2005

Welcome to the land of bald.

So i've finally setup my blog. Peer pressure does work!

No idea what's going to go here. Just some random whinging about life, motorcycles, real operating systems (as opposed to bug infested crap), DIY home remodelling and such.

This post is more of a placeholder - someday something interesting will this way come.




CatSpit said...

Bald bastard #2 duly reporting for duty, sir. I assume that the typo in the 'bug infested crap' hyperlink is almost Swiftian in its rapier-like subtlety?

Baldgit said...

welcome aboard sir!

a bug you say? it is ironic....

Speaking of bugs, poor bill had a bug today when showing off his stuff in vegas at the consumer electronics show in vegas.
